The 10th International Day of Yoga was commemorated at the Yogoda Satsanga Chennai Retreat, Sriperumbudur on Sunday, June 16, 2024. The event was attended by 75 people from Chennai, Tiruvallur, Kanchipuram, and Pondicherry, including 55 first-time visitors.
The event began with kirtan and chanting led by Brahmachari Virajananda. Brahmachari Niranjanananda introduced the participants to YSS and the lineage of Gurus. Following this, Swami Suddhananda Giri gave an inspirational talk on “Finding Balance and Calmness through Yoga-Meditation” based on “How-to-Live” teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. He led participants in a guided meditation which included the practice of correct posture, preliminary breathing exercises, and an affirmation and visualization. The uplifting session concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer. Brahmachari Niranjanananda then led a Q&A session and introduced participants to the YSS Lessons. Some devotees also shared their testimonials about the transformative effect of the Yogoda Satsanga teachings and meditation techniques.
Paramahansa Yogananda’s “Art of Living” booklet was distributed to participants. 17 devotees enrolled for the Lessons. The impact of this session was palpable as many interacted with the sannyasis and visited the bookstore after the event concluded. YSS Books were offered at a special discount, with a special 50% discount on Paramahansa Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi.”